Wednesday, September 7, 2011

  The doctor said I have WHAT!?   

How... Why..  don't smoke, not a big drinker, watch what I eat, it doesn't "run" in the family... and I'm athletic!

If this happens to you, here's one possible reason why you should NOT be surprised .........

Let's call this "the tip of the iceberg":
  1. Monsanto gave us the herbicide "Roundup" that was initially biodegradable...  and then it wasn't!
  2. Monsanto gave us genetically modified "Roundup" resistant crops..  so that farmers could kill the weeds without killing the crop.
  3. Monsanto gave the farmers a hormone to help his cows produce more milk, and all kinds of antibiotics to keep the cattle "healthy". There's probably enough antibiotic in that delicious beef steak you grilled last night to cure a bacterial sinus infection.
(And surely you knew that many types of bacteria adapt and develop an immunity to an antibiotic if it used too often. Use it too often, and it just doesn't work any more.. Ever heard of a "MRSA infection?"..  look it up!)
And that hormone for the cow? It happens to be one that your body uses as well, and it comes in the jug of milk you just bought.

Oops, didn't know that "you were paying" to participate in a massive chemical experiment?   SURPRISE!.....  

If you eat "mass produced" (non-organically grown) aka: "processed" foods, it's a safe bet that you've been on hormones, antibiotics, herbicides, pesticides, etc. for a quite a while now.  Even if you quit now, "grow your own", find a source of "grass fed" milk and meats, wild non-farm raised fish, poultry, yada, yada, yada... all that you have to worry about now are those pesky "hidden consequences" from what you've already put into you body. 

Most powerful corporations who supply your daily products (food, drugs, power, water, transportation, fuel, etc.) will go to any length for profit! 

Oh that "AND MUCH MORE" part of the package probably refers to the incurable affliction that you'll get from using the product!...  But in all fairness, a subsidiary or affiliate of the said corporation will provide you with a medication to ease your ailment (at a hundred times actual cost of course)... more so for the additional profit, than to actually "help" you.

It's simple economics folks.  it is far more profitable to sell you a known toxic substance, later pay some meager legal penalties.. AND to then addict you to lifelong medications, than to NOT SELL IT AT ALL!
Right about now you're probably saying "Noooo, that's ridiculous ...  not possib... That's just a load of paranoid bullcrap...   I've  been eating and drinking what?..   Who...When.. Why doesn't someone..??? ......"

Here's one example... enjoy:

Watch the full documentary.. 
Click on the link below now:


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